გახსენით მობილურ აპლიკაციაში

New era, Ideas, People.

About us

Indigo is a reflection on events and reality, a medium seeking new authors, exciting views, and ideas for the future. Indigo studies trends, takes an avid interest in literature and arts as an interpretation of contemporary history. It focuses on those studying and changing the world.

People, environment and culture, the city, travel, everyday rituals and global issues, the new age and its human crises—Indigo keeps an eye on and describes everything that happens around us, what amazes, attracts, scares, or inspires us.

Our mission 

We create powerful stories that provoke new ideas and trigger changes



Nata Dzvelishvili

has been CEO of Indigo since 2019, having previously led the Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics for four years. She is in charge of developing media research, reports, and guidelines in cooperation with both local and international organizations.


Nino Lomadze

manages Indigo Magazine, indigo.com website, and various projects in our organization. At different times, she has been an author and editor for Tskheli Shokoladi (Hot Chocolate) magazine, having granted numerous awards. She is a Saba Award Laureate for Best Documentary Prose


Tamar Babuadze

Tamar Babuadze has years-long experience as an editor. Since Indigo’s establishment, she has been the editor of both the magazine and our books. Before that, in 2009-2011, she was an editor for Liberali magazine, previously serving as editor-in-chief and author of Hot Chocolate magazine. She has translated and edited numerous books.

Web Editor

Giorgi Korganashvili


Gvantsa Nadibaidze


Saba Sordia

Social Media Manager

Dea Tatiashvili


Tornike Lortkipanidze

Administrative Manager

Tako Papava


EU Prize for Journalism

  • 2023 - 2 Prizes (The best blog & student work)
  • 2022 - 3 Prizes (The best blog, Innovative work & student work)
  • 2021 - 3 prizes (The best story, Innovative work & Documentary photo)
  • 2020 - 1 Prize (The best feature story)
  • 2019 - 2 Prizes (The best feature story & Innovative work)
  • 2018 - 2 Prizes (The best story & Innovative work)
  • 2017 - 1 Prize (The best blog)
  • 2016 - 1 Prize (The best story)

Charter Prize

  • 2024 - 2 prizes (the best blog and the best photo story)
  • 2020 - For the Best Article
  • 2019 - 2 Prizes (The best video and the multimedia project)
  • 2018 - 2 Prizes (The best multimedia and the reporting on the children's issues)
  • 2017 - 2 Prizes (The best article and the best multimedia project)


  • 2019 - 2 Prizes for The Best Book Design and for the Best  Documentary Prose
  • 2020 - Best  Documentary Prose


  • 2024 - 2 prizes for the best play and the best debut
  • 2019 - Essay and Documentary Prose of the Year

Adami Media Prize

2018 - Best Short Video

Terms and Conditions

Protection of personal information is part of Indigo’s editorial policy. The personal data of both respondents and website users are carefully processed, and we observe professional standards and applicable Georgian and international legislation in this process.

Consequently, the personal database of users is protected from unauthorized access and use.

This document defines rules for processing and protecting the personal and other types of user information.

By checking on the I agree to terms and conditions checkbox, you confirm that you have familiarized yourself with the document, and that you understand that the relations between you and Indigo are regulated by this document.

1. Personal data

1.1. The following information is collected when registering on the Indigo website:

  • First name, last name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Address for book/magazine shipping
1.2. When you buy a product on the Indigo website, we have no access to your bank card information. Consequently, we do not store this information.

2. Purpose and duration of personal data processing

2.1. By disclosing personal data, the User, as a personal data entity, agrees and authorizes Indigo, in advance and voluntarily, to process their personal data and the activities carried out by the User on the website for the following purposes:

  • Access to content available on the website
  • Improve and upgrade service delivery for the User
  • Direct marketing.
2.2. Indigo stores data until otherwise indicated by the User in line with the rules defined in this document and applicable legislation.

3. Data security

3.1. The organizational and technical means utilized by Indigo safeguard User data from accidental or unlawful corruption, modification, disclosure, theft, and all other forms of unauthorized use and accidental or unlawful loss.

3.2. Indigo is committed to strictly protecting the personal data of the User. Access to them is granted only to employees requiring data processing to fulfill their duties.

4. Rights and obligations of the data subject

4.1. The User is entitled to request from Indigo information about the processing of their data.

4.2. The User is entitled to request from Indigo, at any time, to modify, update, amend, block, erase, or destroy their personal data, to stop using their data for the purpose of direct marketing, via any of the means of communication listed below:

  • Email: info@indigo.com.ge
  • Social networks: Facebook, Instagram
  • For written notice: 38 Iakob Gogebashvili Street, Tbilisi.

4.3. Indigo is obligated to modify, update, amend, block, erase, or destroy the User’s data within 10 (ten) days upon receipt of the User’s request, or notify the User about grounds for refusal.

5. Rule for amending the policy

5.1. Indigo retains the right to amend the rules and practice of personal data processing, and to make relevant amendments to this policy, and the User will be duly notified about such amendments.

Cookie Policy

Updated: 19 July 2023

Our website uses cookies. By using our website, you accept the use of cookies. Cookies make the use of our website easy, fast and user-friendly.

A cookie is a small text file that the internet browser saves on the user's device. Cookies are set on the user's device only from the website loaded by the user. Only the server that saved the cookie can later read and use the cookie. Cookies or other technologies do not harm the user's device or files, and cookies cannot be used to access programmes or spread malware. The user cannot be identified by cookies alone.

Cookies are used to enhance analytics, marketing and communication. Cookies are divided into sub-groups: functional cookies, product development, business reporting, advertising reporting, and targeting advertising.

Some third-party tools or plug-ins that are necessary for the operations of the service are in use. Such tools might include social media or video services embedded on the site, or social media sharing and liking functionalities. In addition, such third-party plug-ins may collect information about the users of the online services, for example, to recommend content or monitor the number of visitors. 

When you so wish, you can prevent your browser from using cookies, remove saved cookies or request your browser to notify you about new cookies. You can find instructions for removing cookies at: www.aboutcookies.org/ Preventing the use of cookies or removing them may prevent some of the functions on our website. 

We reserve the right to update our cookie policy, for example, due to service development or enforcing legislation.

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