გახსენით მობილურ აპლიკაციაში
"Everyday Peace in Conflict-affected Communities" is the project in which researchers study everyday peace indicators within the context of the South Caucasus for the first time.
"When discussing social aesthetics, we should also acknowledge the role of the media. Neglected by local institutions, contemporary art in Tbilisi found its way through various channels and programs".
www.toc.ge This database describes churches and monasteries in the territory of Georgia and lists the immovable property owned by the Orthodox Christian Church of Georgia.
"You feel some magic when you get there. You might want some tea, it does not matter. When you are invited and sit there, with some lemon, lablabo as they called it, these gatherings gain some grace".
Why does it seem so difficult to look towards the future? It is always just a breath away, hence not as intangible as it might seem at first, when positioned at distance.
What are the odds that one's hypothesis is refuted? Does this go by chance, like in the ratio of 50-50, or are there some other formulae which are taking diverse variables into account?
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