გახსენით მობილურ აპლიკაციაში
And even with the help of others, or even when narrowing down the text from one lecture to just one single paragraph, we won't just tend to infinity but start looping
Нæмыджы фæдтæ цы хъуамæ фæуыдаиккой? Хæдзар сцалцæг кодтам æмæ сæ фæдтæ къултыл дæр æмæ рудзгуытыл дæр нал зыныныц. Гуырдзиæгтæ мидæмæ гом дуарæй æхстой.
But I still can’t understand why they wanted that war.
On the 6th of August, we were at the cafe, Farn, in the city center. Who would’ve thought that a bomb would fall out of the sky and hit the cafe in two days?
We don’t mean anyone any harm, we were born with Ossetians, we were raised with Ossetians, we said. It was exactly so, we got along great before that.
Suddenly, just as the truck was taking a sharp turn, there was gunfire. People didn’t even have time to scream let alone escape.
But where to write? And how to write?
I replay this often, that she calls her son and someone picks up the phone there and tells her he is dead.
This distinction between Ossetian and Georgian didn't exist before, then what happened, I don’t know
Georgian police were already in Tskhinvali, separately Georgian and Ossetian nationalist leaders were agitating people.
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