გახსენით მობილურ აპლიკაციაში
'Words are ambiguous and meaningful. And thereby chosen.' That's how I had decided to end Essay Four on Multilingualism [1]_Metatext.
why would someone, who tried to avoid terminology, which often needs knowledge of centuries' old connotations and shifts of a term, speak outside a monolingual 'simplicity'?
I keep reminding myself that this is not an academic endeavor. And I keep asking myself, how to start this proposed process of thinking, this proposed life task?
What could I do?ǃ I came back and returned to work. Then I served for twenty years, I participated in every battle. Wherever a bullet fell, I was there.
So, why Proust? Because Mamardashvili points out that something fundamental happens to us...
Can you imagine, independence was declared and none of the political leaders had political experienceǃ That was the cause of all this.
When creating art, there are those moments when things fall into place. When concept and form merge or overlap, and a specific certainty sets in, because one knows that now, things are right.
Writer and conceptual artist Katarina Stadler has been translating Merab Mamardashvili's lectures into English for a year. The artist uses artificial intelligence for translation.
War started for me when Zviad came to power. Many here swore that war was out of the question, Soviet Union would never allow that.
My worst memories are of when we had to go to the neighboring village to sleep at night. It was especially hard because it was winter
The kids stayed behind, they gave me apartments, and I left them all. All five of them. They didn't want to so they didn’t come.
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