გახსენით მობილურ აპლიკაციაში
A few times they brought us out like they were going to take us somewhere. I always thought they were about to execute us.
We don’t mean anyone any harm, we were born with Ossetians, we were raised with Ossetians, we said. It was exactly so, we got along great before that.
On the morning of the 8th of August, after the heavy firings the whole night, I ran to my neighbor to see how they were doing.
I travel to these parts mostly in December when the mud volcanoes resemble the surface of Mars.
I replay this often, that she calls her son and someone picks up the phone there and tells her he is dead.
There is much more to Adjara than just the sea or Adjaruli khachapuri cheese bread, the pearl of local cuisine though it may be.
Now we reminisce and exist. If it were you, wouldn't you reminisce? Wouldn't you think, it was like that, it was like this, wouldn't you miss it?
The houses were always burning around us, like you see in the movies. You just sit there helpless, just watching.
My parents had left their village on the 8th of August. Half way through, my mother’s legs started hurting.
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