გახსენით მობილურ აპლიკაციაში
When they used to change their last names and try to convince me that they weren’t Ossetian, my heart would always break
The whole village was fleeing. They left everything behind, fled with the shirts on their back.
In the morning my mother called. She watched a Georgian news program on Facebook, where they used the video that my mother took of me
They came in and took the cattle from everybody who had them. They had automatics and things.
They shot him and killed him right then and there. That kind of boy, some would say, what kind of mother had raised him?
We sold our house in Tbilisi. We better leave, I said. ‘Cause, you’re going to a foreign country, and you need to bring something with you, right?
Director of Legal Research / General Manager Terasem Movement, Inc.
Love is prior to Lover
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