გახსენით მობილურ აპლიკაციაში
What does cat photos on the internet represent? Is there paradigmatic, archetypal meaning behind it?
Why does it seem so difficult to look towards the future? It is always just a breath away, hence not as intangible as it might seem at first, when positioned at distance.
What are the odds that one's hypothesis is refuted? Does this go by chance, like in the ratio of 50-50, or are there some other formulae which are taking diverse variables into account?
Some things can't be just framed in words. I think, it needs drawings, or else, for those blanks to be voiced, to be able to say, like Michael Taussig says that 'I Swear I Saw This' so this'.
One of the few places on earth where words had a meaning. Where philosophy had a price.
Notice the distinction between future, past, and present. Keeps the whole life of the being in the present. […] It is all in the present.
And even with the help of others, or even when narrowing down the text from one lecture to just one single paragraph, we won't just tend to infinity but start looping
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