გახსენით მობილურ აპლიკაციაში
Now my heart aches when my husband tells the story, I yell at him. Don’t remind me of that time, I tell him. What’s it all for?
On the 7th of August, half an hour before midnight, the gunfire began. We jumped out of bed, my mother didn’t even know what was happening.
The corpse was washed up by the river Representatives of the police and representatives of the prosecutor's office also went to examine it.
This slogan left the most bitter impression on me: Curse the woman who carries an Ossetian in her womb
They shot him and killed him right then and there. That kind of boy, some would say, what kind of mother had raised him?
As we were firing farewell shots for him, we could hear a sound on the other side, someone else was firing with us from Georgia
May God protect everyone from the pain I experienced then. I ran off. In front of the school, a sulfur spring was flowing.
My mother was Ossetian, and they were cursing her, how could you raise Georgian kids, they said. What am I supposed to do?
I didn’t change my name or anything at all. You should be what you are.
Georgians aren't liked in South Ossetia today. Were it not for the second war, the generation would have been replaced and there would have been peace.
Like I’ve been saying, I have everything written down. When I went there, some people were writing things down, so on one mission, I started too
What could I do?ǃ I came back and returned to work. Then I served for twenty years, I participated in every battle. Wherever a bullet fell, I was there.
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