გახსენით მობილურ აპლიკაციაში
A photo story of people who marched in the August war
The war started on November 23, 1989, for us. They wanted to hold a rally here. So many people came down to the villages including many from Svaneti.
Armed clashes broke out in the city. There were murders. An emergency curfew was declared in Tskhinval.
The first time I processed that the war had started was on 5th of August. I was standing in the yard with my friends.
A few times they brought us out like they were going to take us somewhere. I always thought they were about to execute us.
On the morning of the 8th of August, after the heavy firings the whole night, I ran to my neighbor to see how they were doing.
I replay this often, that she calls her son and someone picks up the phone there and tells her he is dead.
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