გახსენით მობილურ აპლიკაციაში
Gaelle Le Pavic, Doctor in Social Work, at the United Nations University; Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies and at Ghent University, Belgium
Why does it seem so difficult to look towards the future? It is always just a breath away, hence not as intangible as it might seem at first, when positioned at distance.
What are the odds that one's hypothesis is refuted? Does this go by chance, like in the ratio of 50-50, or are there some other formulae which are taking diverse variables into account?
Some things can't be just framed in words. I think, it needs drawings, or else, for those blanks to be voiced, to be able to say, like Michael Taussig says that 'I Swear I Saw This' so this'.
One of the few places on earth where words had a meaning. Where philosophy had a price.
Notice the distinction between future, past, and present. Keeps the whole life of the being in the present. […] It is all in the present.
And even with the help of others, or even when narrowing down the text from one lecture to just one single paragraph, we won't just tend to infinity but start looping
But where to write? And how to write?
I like the mess that the parallel back and forth creates but I am wondering if that can only hold true for sketches, for creating a base for a text then to be written.
How to think and/or imagine a world, which is devoid of humans altogether. How to think this unthinkable within the probable impossibility to think the without human using human thought?
The question of consciousness is an interesting one when thinking about artificial intelligence (AI)
As a child I loved painting by numbers. I remember the process as a time of both deep concentration and satisfaction, adding up the 12s and 41s, and whichever numbers called for a specific color.
'Words are ambiguous and meaningful. And thereby chosen.' That's how I had decided to end Essay Four on Multilingualism [1]_Metatext.
why would someone, who tried to avoid terminology, which often needs knowledge of centuries' old connotations and shifts of a term, speak outside a monolingual 'simplicity'?
I keep reminding myself that this is not an academic endeavor. And I keep asking myself, how to start this proposed process of thinking, this proposed life task?
So, why Proust? Because Mamardashvili points out that something fundamental happens to us...
When creating art, there are those moments when things fall into place. When concept and form merge or overlap, and a specific certainty sets in, because one knows that now, things are right.
Writer and conceptual artist Katarina Stadler has been translating Merab Mamardashvili's lectures into English for a year. The artist uses artificial intelligence for translation.
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