გახსენით მობილურ აპლიკაციაში
The houses were always burning around us, like you see in the movies. You just sit there helpless, just watching.
My parents had left their village on the 8th of August. Half way through, my mother’s legs started hurting.
My mother was Ossetian, and they were cursing her, how could you raise Georgian kids, they said. What am I supposed to do?
Georgian snipers stood on the heights across the river, and they were shooting up the city from there.
The first time I was ever afraid was when I was 5 years old. It was the 23rd of November, 1989.
This distinction between Ossetian and Georgian didn't exist before, then what happened, I don’t know
On the 7th of August, half an hour before midnight, the gunfire began. We jumped out of bed, my mother didn’t even know what was happening.
Like I’ve been saying, I have everything written down. When I went there, some people were writing things down, so on one mission, I started too
We didn’t sleep after that night. They fired all the time. On the 7th, Saakashvili spoke and said there wouldn’t be a war.
This slogan left the most bitter impression on me: Curse the woman who carries an Ossetian in her womb
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