გახსენით მობილურ აპლიკაციაში

ახალი დრო, იდეები, ადამიანები.


ზეპირი ისტორიები

Apple Orchards

Nino Lomadze

  • მთარგმნელი:
  • ყდა: Tornike Lortkipanidze
  • გამომცემლობა: Indigo Publishing
  • გამოცემის წელი: 2018
  • ფასი: 15,00 ლარი

Apple Orchards preserves the memories of Russo-Georgian war and recollects biographies of people never before presented in political and media narratives. 

62 oral stories explore the war between the superpower and a small independent country through the narrowest prism - personal stories. People in the book are traced - broken and disillusioned, full of energy and optimism at the same time. There are the stories of struggle and surrender, of forgetting and preserving the memories forever. 

Apple Orchards explores the mind struggling to transform and re-contextualize facts from the past to let the person encounter the future. 

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