გახსენით მობილურ აპლიკაციაში
The exhibition intertwines the experiences, visions, thoughts, and emotions of hundreds of people — a virtual nexus bridging societies divided by conflict
Dialogue between Hamida Giyasbayli and Hermine Virabian
A photo story of people who marched in the August war
These conversations with Ukrainian citizens were recorded in April and May 2022)
The world does not need to be convinced anymore that what is happening in Ukraine is an outright war anymore …
Vladimir Putin’s policy attempts to build a future on the past. Future past, a term coined by Givi Alkhazishvili, best reflects this vision.
In March 2022, 5 times more Russians, 3 times more Ukrainians and 16 times more Belarusians arrived in Georgia compared to March of the previous year.
Serhiy Zhadan is one of the most popular Ukrainian writers and at the same time a socially active figure.
The dead devils of Georgian cities, similar to these cities, literally petrify is, because they are both concrete and metaphorical at the same time.
What is happening today is so significant that any country has to be willing to sacrifice something in order to stop Russia’s murderous war.
Life in our neck of the woods has led her to total disappointment. Or maybe she’s trying to say that nothing can be discerned, seen clearly, in the darkness of this universe?
Roman Podenezh arrived in Tbilisi from Kyiv a few days before the Russian-Ukrainian war. He was unable to return home. His family is in Kyiv.
Local researchers have been studying what everyday peace is for the past seven months.
Interview with Timothy Blauvelt, Professor of Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies at Ilia State University
I must admit that, of all the interpretations of DG, the abbreviated form of Dolce and Gabbana, Displaced from Gali is by far the wittiest
If there’s anything I know, it is war. In all my incarnations—and I am a father and a husband, I became an author, and painting is what I’ve always been doing—I know how to survive a war better than a
It is how m city looks like now. My beloved, beautiful, green and prosperous Kharkiv
"we woke up early in the morning around 5 am from a Telegram call from our friend saying, 'it’s started' ".
In times of war, food is a way of self-deception, a way to convince yourself that, in those seconds that you are sipping your hot soup, bombs will not drop
The Kobaladze family left Tskhinvali during the 1991 war. Their big house stayed there, too.
These unsorted fragments are recordings of conversations with children and young from the Tserovni IDP settlement.
On the 6th of August, we were at the cafe, Farn, in the city center. Who would’ve thought that a bomb would fall out of the sky and hit the cafe in two days?
The first time I was ever afraid was when I was 5 years old. It was the 23rd of November, 1989.
But even if none of us really wants to understand how this nightmare began, we all know in our hearts how it will end
I am from the village Otrevi. I was already living in Tskhinval from the beginning of the 90s. My parents were in the village.
We spent our childhood in war and battle fronts.
I was against the breakdown of the Soviet Union. It was dangerous. People still remembered what had happened in 1920.
The war started on November 23, 1989, for us. They wanted to hold a rally here. So many people came down to the villages including many from Svaneti.
Armed clashes broke out in the city. There were murders. An emergency curfew was declared in Tskhinval.
When the unrest started, my aunt got up and took her grandkids, all the little ones, and ran off to Vladikavkaz.
The first time I processed that the war had started was on 5th of August. I was standing in the yard with my friends.
A few times they brought us out like they were going to take us somewhere. I always thought they were about to execute us.
We don’t mean anyone any harm, we were born with Ossetians, we were raised with Ossetians, we said. It was exactly so, we got along great before that.
On the morning of the 8th of August, after the heavy firings the whole night, I ran to my neighbor to see how they were doing.
I replay this often, that she calls her son and someone picks up the phone there and tells her he is dead.
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